
My name  


John Paul Larkin















Contact me


I love to code.

I build full-stack javascript projects.
(with a focus on React)

Im currently attending SETU undertaking a
higher Diploma
in computer science.

Want to make my day?


Open Source

Codú is Ireland's largest coding community. The perfect place to learn, contribute and network with like minded individuals.

The community afforded me the opportunity to actively participate in open source projects, delve into an unfamiliar codebase, and refine my skills in using Git.

Check out my commits here on gihub.

A space for coders

full moon


Restaurant management

outline of a waiter holding a tray with a glass on it

In a busy restaurant, speed and efficiency are the key to success.

These point of sale and kitchen diplay apps facilitate communication and clarity between the front of house and the kitchen.

Waiter standing over annoyed customer

What's taking
so long?

POS app

Wait staff enter orders from the restaurant floor.

Each menu item is completely customisable.

animated example of the point of sale application

KDS app

The order is sent through to the kitchen, where the chef has all the details displayed on a timline.

animated example showing orders on the kitchen display app

This intro video showcases the applications features.(1:17)

Warehouse inventory app

Stock taking is an essential undertaking for any profitable business.

This app allows for the monitoring of individual inventory items. Users input sales and purchases and stock levels are automatically adjusted as orders are placed, picked and delivered.

My objectives for this project were to build a Node.js API that integrated with a MySQL database, and ultimately deploy it to a Linux server.

Man with clipboard counting stock items
landing page of wim app, with vaious charts and metrics

Space Tourism

This is my interpretation of a frontend mentor challenge, which you can find here.

I aimed for a pixel perfect duplication of the provided figma design files, which include designs for mobile, tablet and desktop.

space tourism with the a picture of the  moon
jp Mazon home page


I built this Amazon clone as my first React project. I focused on the fundamentals of building dynamic user interfaces using React components, state, and props.

I used dummyjson.com, which provides fake product data and images through REST endpoints, to create responsive product pages and a basic shopping cart.

Coding questions

I built this app to test my coding knowledge. I expanded my understanding of React, implementing the React context API for state management and the intersection observer API for infinite scrolling.

I opted for Firestore for the backend due to its user-friendly nature and efficient real-time synchronization.

jp Mazon home page